
User-Centric Implementation

Our Approach

Discover more on our way of working

Modern-day Cloudsuite

Tailored Implementation

Every project begins with a clear vision. Our teams collaborates with you to outline objectives, identify specific requirements, and develop a comprehensive project plan. This ensures you that we understand your needs and set a solid foundation for successful implementation.

This is how we love to implement our software – with precision, dedication, and a focus on delivering value.

Wealth of horti-experience you can leverage
Our team comprises highly skilled and seasoned consultants specializing in the horticulture industry, bringing a wealth of knowledge and experience.

Our team expertise is underscored by a proven track record and recognition in Microsoft-certified training modules.

Although we work with proven models (Microsoft's Sure step-method) , we offer a personalized and hands-on approach with our consultancy teams across the United States, Canada, Mexico, Oceania and Europe.

Preliminary Assessment

We begin by assessing alignment with your needs and define objectives and potential solutions.

Analysis Phase

After the initial assessment, we dive deeper to:

  • Craft a detailed blueprint and project strategy.
  • Evaluate business processes alongside key users to ensure a full understanding.
  • Present a preliminary solution and discuss any required adjustments or custom developments.

Tailoring and Training

This phase focuses on user empowerment and system fine-tuning:

  • Provide targeted training for key users.
  • Decide on necessary custom developments.
  • Initiating the creation of detailed work instructions by key users.

System Integration and Testing

With customizations complete, we:

  • Test the integrated system with your data.
  • Transfer data from legacy systems to Agriware.
  • Implement custom developments.

Roll-out – Training and Transition

As we configure the system, we ensure user readiness:

  • Train end-users via key users.
  • Implement a thorough "go-live" strategy.
  • Optimize the user interface and finalize the launch schedule.

Launch and Support

Finally, the system goes live with robust support mechanisms:

  • Execute final data conversion.
  • Begin actual use of the software with full support.
  • Provide aftercare to ensure a smooth transition and address any immediate issues.